Monster of the Day #3496
(They are giants; see the girls in the foreground) So the last several years, after the success of showing a W.C. Fields movie, we’ve had a sort of “classics” slot. This year… Read Article →
(They are giants; see the girls in the foreground) So the last several years, after the success of showing a W.C. Fields movie, we’ve had a sort of “classics” slot. This year… Read Article →
Arguably the two most dangerous items in Sandy’s video arsenal are the complete film sets he owns for H. G. Lewis and Al Adamson. This time it was Lewis’ turn, as Sandy… Read Article →
So we kicked off the 15th edition of Tween-Fest with Sandy’s choice of Daimajin, the first of three films built around a giant god statue who eventually comes to life to punish… Read Article →
By the time we got organized, we didn’t have much movie watching time on Friday, April 5th. The evening was devoted to a bunch of us taking GalaxyJane to The Bavarian Grill… Read Article →
So I arrived at Dallas on April 4th, two days before the 15th (!) Tween-Fest. After dinner, Sandy showed Willy’s Wonderland, one of several films ripping off the Five Night at Freddy’s… Read Article →
They did it quietly, too, I had to search around a bit before I found confirmation that it was gone. It’s too bad, because we’ve had a lot of fun with the… Read Article →
Not sure I’ll be checking in again before the trip, I’m definitely in getting ready mode. I’ll see many of you in a few days. For the rest, have a great week… Read Article →
Now *that’s” a version of Saturday Night Fever I’d like to see. Leaving for Dallas later this week, so a hiatus is coming.
“A gorilla who is not a gorilla but a man? Is that…wait. Jamie? No, Jamie! Bad! Put that woman back where you found her. Don’t make me tattle on you to Jane!”… Read Article →
It’s like they say, clothes make the gorilla.