Monster of the Day #3678

So after the highly kid-friendly antics of Matilda, we turned to classic ’80s cheese. Chad R selected Without Warning (1980), often cited as Predator before there was Predator. A super tall alien (Kevin Peter Hall, who in fact indeed also played the Predator) uses toothy organic frisbees to hunt down rural humans. A rare pretty good movie directed by Greydon Clarke; in fact, it’s probably the best thing he ever did. LIke many B-movie directors of the period, he loaded the film with old timey movie stars and character actors; Jack Palance, Martin Landau (the two also starred in the only slasher film I ever liked, Alone in the Dark), Cameron Mitchell, Neville Brand, Sue Ann Langdon, Ralph Meeker and, most oddly, Larry Storch. See Agarn die a horrible death! On the younger side, David Caruso is also in there.

  • This is a damn fine flick.

  • The Rev.

    It was fun to watch this one with people who hadn't seen it before, because yeah, this is definitely Clarke's "one" from what I've seen, the one film he made that's legit entertaining and probably as close to good as he ever got. I have to believe the makers of Predator were aware of this one, although they did improve the whole shebang by at LEAST a smidge. It was a fun inversion of my expectations to see Jack Palance hold back for most of the film and let Martin Landau leave the huge bite marks on the scenery. Definitely one to check out if you haven't. If nothing else, the little carnivorous Frisbees are just precious.

  • 🐻 bgbear_rnh

    Jack Palance and Cameron Mitchell? Sounds dangerous.