Sad News: Amazon drops Watch Party service….

They did it quietly, too, I had to search around a bit before I found confirmation that it was gone. It’s too bad, because we’ve had a lot of fun with the feature and it was a good way to hang out virtually.

We’ll look about for another alternate service, although tech stuff is definitely not my strong suit.  That was another advantage with the Watch Parties, they were super easy to use. Oh, well.  Anyhoo, if anyone has any suggestions, please let me know. Let’s keep it as easy as possible, and free hopefully, although I know some services require you to use a certain browers, like Chrome.

Anyway, another thing to file under That Sucks.

  • kgb_san_diego

    That does, indeed, suck.

    Oh, well.

  • There goes my social life.

  • Eric Hinkle

    I never got to hang out with you folks for a watch party, but I always wanted to.

    Yeah, this is lousy. I wonder why they dropped it?

  • I take it that it was because people who aren’t paying for the no ad service could see movies without commercials if their buddy set it up as a watch party. Gotta squeeze every bit of blood from that turnip.

  • Carina Magyar

    It’s not the same, exactly, but I’m happy to offer up my Twitch channel (Botch Party) as a place we could have Jabootu-specific movie watching chat parties. Right now me and two other comedians do MST3K-style “shows” on Tuesday nights, but I’d welcome other nights where we pick movies and I could even make it work that some of us show up on video! I can stream from any service there, or even DVD, so sky’s the limit on content…

    It’s an Amazon service so super easy to participate in if you were already watching via Prime.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    Well, that’s terrible. I think GJ has probably found the cause. Again, Amazon can afford to waste billions on content no one wants to see, but can’t afford to let a user watch a video without ads, even when paying for Prime.
    Amazon has really plummeted.

  • 🐻 bgbear_rnh

    I wonder if a Webex/Teams/zoom meeting with one person sharing content would work. You could talk or text. You would not need to use a camera, I would not want to scare anyone.

  • The Rev.

    Since we’re talking about sad news, I just saw that Lorena Velazquez passed on Thursday at the age of 86. Most of us probably know her as the vampire queen in El Santo vs. the Vampire Women. We SHOULD all know her as Beta in The Ship of Monsters because it may be the greatest movie of all time and if you haven’t watched it yet WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU WAITING FOR SERIOUSLY anyway, may she rest well, the dear lady.

  • My rather more tech savvy sons suggested Discord.

  • 🐻 bgbear_rnh

    young people these days, surprise they don’t recommend anarchy as well ;-)

  • 🐻 bgbear_rnh

    lo siento

  • Eric Hinkle

    She was a fine actress and a gorgeous lady. Vaya con Dios, senorita Velazquez.

  • Ken_Begg

    Carina, I just saw this, sorry, I didn’t get on the board this weekend. Off to work now, so I’ll drop you a note later. Thanks very much for the (as usual) extremely kind offer in any case.