Monster of the Day #3458
Well, those are some strange women. Off to Pittsburgh tomorrow. If I have time I’ll go another MotD before I leave, but it’s up in the air. In any case, have a… Read Article →
Well, those are some strange women. Off to Pittsburgh tomorrow. If I have time I’ll go another MotD before I leave, but it’s up in the air. In any case, have a… Read Article →
OK, that would not be great. Short week here at Jabootu, heading to visit Monster Bash in Pittsburgh on Wednesday.
Off all the awesome deluxe blu ray sets released in the last several years, this might be my very favorite. (Or maybe those Arrow Shaw Brothers sets–so many good ones!) It’s on… Read Article →
Don’t worry, Galaxy Jane picked it.* [Well, out of two choices I gave her.]
Happy Friday, everyone! I thought I’d “reward” Amazon for keeping the schlock and B-movie content of Prime so well stocked. I think they’re very smart to be plumbing this niche, which is… Read Article →
Mmm, could use more skellingtons. Certainly calls to mind the awesome ending of Ator the Fighting Eagle. Here’s the original art. Neat!
Man, that’s the stuff right there. Give AI a few more years and somebody’s going to animate these stories and make themselves a billion dollars. Is the belt to suggest how the… Read Article →
“DUDE! Yes, some women like hairless pits. BUT YOU’RE TAKING IT TOO FAR!” REAL MEN DON’T FISH. Norman Mailer’s next movie.
They put Swastikas on the leopards, just so we get it. Happy (?) Monday, everyone. Just as a head’s up, I’ll be leaving for Richmond / Pittsburg for a week starting a… Read Article →
Happy Independence Day, everyone! Serious question: Do kids today–I mean, say, people under 20–even know it’s Independence Day, or is it just July 4th to them? Do they understand why it’s a… Read Article →