Monster of the Day #3544

“DUDE! Yes, some women like hairless pits. BUT YOU’RE TAKING IT TOO FAR!”

REAL MEN DON’T FISH. Norman Mailer’s next movie.

  • Beckoning Chasm


  • KeithB

    I am more interested in the "Cigarette Cancer Surveys are the Bunk". That is some Anti-Vax-like denial going on there. I wonder what year this is?

  • Gamera977

    Well these kitties don't have swastikas on their head so they must be nice cats…

    Now I want to see grizzlies with hammer and sickles emblazed on their skulls….

  • Gamera977

    BTW: There's a new version of the Japanese only version of Godzilla: Minus One announced as a US edition with English subtitles to the film. Technically it sounds like just 'English edition' since it's region-free. Only the film itself has English subtitles though, all the special features and documentaries on the second disc are NOT subtitled. As much as I want this Blu-Ray I think I'm going to let it pass and wait for a totally subtitled version of the package.

    If anyone wants to look at the list of features or order it's at GODZILLA DOT COM.

  • Ken_Begg

    There are at least a couple of Soviet Bear superheroes I can think of.

  • Ken_Begg

    Hmm, yes, that does sound like a mistake.

    Just as a reminder, GMO is available on Netflix, although the Minus Color version hasn't been posted yet. It will be, though.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    There was a Russian movie from 2017 called "Guardians" that had a guy who could change into a bear.

  • Ken_Begg

    Yes, that's one of them. Marvel Comics in the 80s also had a team of Soviet Superheroes (often fighting American heroes) with Ursa Major being pretty close to the guy in the Guardians.

  • Gamera977

    Ohhhhh, cool guys!

  • Eric Hinkle

    What I want to see is someone use the Grey Wolf from Russian myth. It'd be perfect — a horse-sized superhumanly strong wolf that can turn itself into anything its own size or smaller, including human beings. It's one of those mythic/legendary critters that leaves you wondering "Why has nobody adapted this to film yet?"

  • 🐻 bgbear_rnh

    IIRC, most knew there was likely a connection, but they had a hard time proving it, that is showing a mechanism. Gave the tobacco companies some plausible deniability.

  • Ken_Begg

    I'm still waiting for the Ozzies to make a killer drop bear movie.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    Sounds a bit like the Wendigo. I think there've been a number of Wendigo films. And there's also a popular fast food place named after them.

  • Eric Hinkle

    With the exception that the Grey Wolf was helpful to humans. In the main story he appears in, he helps a prince win the hand of the princess.