Jabootu's Bad Movie Dimension

Monster of the Day #3475

Here’s the real Monster of the Day. Every August my beloved local bakery Jarosch makes this amazing blueberry pie, which is the best thing that Mankind has ever produced. I’m picking mine… Read Article →

Monster of the Day #3474

So…this is one of those “use all the half-formed ideas I had on my corkboard in one go” things, right? Happy Friday Eve, everyone!

Monster of the Day #3473

Sandy Petersen’s son Arthur looks over the models for the figures coming with his upcoming game Dinosaur 1944.* “They’ll be our biggest pieces yet!” Sandy enthused, “although we’ll have to charge more… Read Article →

Monster of the Day #3472

Oh, it’s one of those deals where you don’t know which one to shoot because they’re both identical. That guy in the back has serious Jack Kirby face.

Monster of the Day #3468

It took me a bit to figure out that that bubble around the girl was supposed to be her spacesuit. Or…wait, it’s not covering her hands, and the guys flying around….whatever.

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