Monster of the Day #3543

They put Swastikas on the leopards, just so we get it.

Happy (?) Monday, everyone. Just as a head’s up, I’ll be leaving for Richmond / Pittsburg for a week starting a week from Wednesday. So there won’t be any posting during that period.

However, Watch Party this Friday. We’ll watch an actual genre film this time, promise.

Yeah, yeah, business as usual. I get it.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    Not real cats. No cat I've ever known would allow a hat to be put on its head. Or if they did, they would do nothing but sulk all day.

  • Eric Hinkle

    Maybe they shaved the swastikas into their heads?

  • Beckoning Chasm

    Then they'd sulk until the hair grew back. And there'd better be treats. Even Nazis know there'd better be treats in that scenario.

  • 🐻 bgbear_rnh

    "No, no, I said Nazi German Panzers"

  • Ken_Begg

    Dammit, are you saying there won't be a Girls und Panthers anime?!

  • 🐻 bgbear_rnh

    There will always be girls in panties in anime.

  • Gamera977

    Is there a similar painting with Filipino hotties being whipped by an Imperial Japanese officer?

    Asking for a friend…


  • Gamera977

    I thought it was some sort of weird tattoo but that would probably anger the panthers even more…

  • The Rev.

    I'm back from my visit home, which was lovely (and so much cooler than Dallas was last week). I should be there for movie night this time!

    I watched a few movies for the first time during my visit. <b>The First Omen</b> was better than I expected it to be, and was pretty decent (although I have questions about the ending). <b>Sinister</b> was…fine. Without the rather nasty home movies there wouldn't be much to remember. I didn't realize Ethan Hawke and James Ransone had worked together prior to <b>The Black Phone</b>, but they were both good in this, as well. Bughuul is a really stupid name for a monster. <b>Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle</b> was a fun bit of fluff that I rather enjoyed. I'd be willing to give the sequel a go.

    I also showed my mom <b>Godzilla Minus One Minus Color</b>, which she absolutely loved because of course she did, it's amazing; and <b>Who Killed Captain Alex?</b>, which she quite enjoyed because of course she did, it's a different kind of amazing. We agreed the rest of the family probably wouldn't love it, but they also didn't love <b>Pan's Labyrinth</b> so they're no one to judge. She laughed harder and harder each time "Kiss From a Rose" played. Her favorite lines were "Dinosaurs!" and "We call him Bruce U." She was a little disappointed that VJ Emmie didn't scream "MOVIE MOVIE MOVIE!" more often, which is completely understandable.

    The daughter and her fiancé are coming up to celebrate her birthday this weekend; I'm hoping we'll have time for me to finally show <b>WKCA?</b> to all and sundry.

  • Eric Hinkle

    I think that Bughuul was supposed to suggest 'the Bogeyman' but sounding scarier. To someone.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    It sounds like something you'd serve with goulash and borsht.