Monster of the Day #3494
Mosh Pit…worse case scenario.
Mosh Pit…worse case scenario.
Happy Monday, Everyone! (grumble grumble) Time is racing more than this horse. Good grief, halfway through September! 20th (!!!) T-Fest at Sandy’s house on Oct 11th! Watch Party this Friday! Halloween approaches!… Read Article →
“Hey, Mister, we live here!” “Franky, we don’t really live here….” “Shut it, Sid, you know what I mean.” Happy Friday, everyone. Have a great weekend. Watch something stupid.
Can I see the movie that goes with this poster rather than the one they released?
I don’t know why I’m so tickled by an arty French poster for a rather goofy Mexican wrestling / sci-fi movie, but I am.
Thanks to everyone who joined us Friday for Fearless Fighters, a film I first saw with my friend Jeff at B-Fest over 30 years ago. It was my first really goofy kung… Read Article →
Join us, won’t you? We’ll be watching a fun one tonight.
This one isn’t as blatant as the other two we’ve featured. It doesn’t, say, mention The Wolf Man in a movie without a Wolf Man.It *does* mention a Wolf Woman, and barely… Read Article →
Not quite as deceptive as yesterday’s title / poster (except for that tagline, yikes), but you do suspect the color grading was meant as a way to avoid showing the lead vamp’s… Read Article →
So…what’s wrong with this poster? If Sam Sherman knew anything–and he did–he knew the words “Frankenstein” and “Blood” sold movie tickets.