Monster of the Day #3469

Man, that’s a great robot. Reminds me of the grittier revamp of The Robot Devil.

How did these magazines stay in business, though? That woman looks designed to appeal to the male gaze. Why weren’t they cancelled on Twitter? Men don’t want hot chicks and gear porn.

Watch Party tomorrow….right? I think that’s right. And, and nobody’s going to complain about tomorrow’s movie.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    She looks more annoyed than frightened. "Can't I stop now?" "NO!! You must dance! Keep dancing, the great Tobor demands it!"

  • 🐻 bgbear_rnh

    Life was a big adventure for Wyndham Smith while his whiney brother Winston slaves away in Oceania.

  • Gamera977

    Yeah, she looks more honked off to me!

    I was thinking the robot from 'The Phantom Creeps' but I can see Tobor too!

  • Gamera977

    I just bought a resin figure of 'The Brainiac' off Ebay. What's wrong with me????


  • Ken_Begg

    Humble brag! That sounds awesome.

  • Gamera977

    Sorry didn't mean to brag, humble or otherwise.

    It's just that anywhere else I'd talked about this would have ended in 'You bought a resin figure of WHUT!?!?!?'

  • Ken_Begg

    Dude, I'd TOTALLY be bragging. Go for it.