Monster of the Day #3475

Here’s the real Monster of the Day. Every August my beloved local bakery Jarosch makes this amazing blueberry pie, which is the best thing that Mankind has ever produced. I’m picking mine up after work today and thus my weekend plans are set. Oh, man, I can’t wait. Then it’s another year until I can have it again.

And I hear the jeers:  Ken, you fat bastard! You’re going to eat an entire pie?!

Well, yes, but not all in one sitting. Like, it will probably take me two or three days! And I considered getting the also soon to disappear key lime pie to go with it. Alternating bites of the blueberry pie with the key lime is sheer bliss. However, my slavish devotion to a healthy lifestyle led me to only eat one pie this weekend. It’s quite inspirational, really. You’re welcome.

In any case, some of you are childishly literal, so here’s a regular monster:

I’m no psychologist, but I think I’ve figured out why he’s mad.

Happy Friday, everyone! Enjoy your weekend. Watch something stupid.

  • 🐻 bgbear_rnh

    Mad? Did they call Robby mad?

  • Rodford Smith

    Didn't we see this guy in some of the Star Wars movies?

  • Gamera977

    OMG, Ken you show us that amazing pie and didn't bring enough for all of us!?!??!!

    Gee friggin' whiz, I want blueberry pie now! I'm going to have to find out if I can find a local baker…

    And the robot looks like it has an organic brain, wouldn't that make it a 'The Mad Cyborg?' Maybe they didn't use that sort of distinction back then?

  • The Rev.

    Damn, wish I was there for some pie.

    Already watched something stupid Friday night: The Room and Big Shark, courtesy a local theater who hosted both and had Tommy Wiseau there, along with a few actors from the 2nd movie. My DVD for The Room is now autographed (not that you can tell what it says or who wrote it; like his screenwriting, Wiseau's handwriting is sloppy and indecipherable) and I got a picture with him which I will treasure forever. His pre-screening Q&As answered almost nothing and left me with more questions. Seems appropriate.

    We all know The Room. Big Shark is Tommy Wiseau's Syfy movie except more entertaining than 99.9% of those. I was surprised to find it has the same run time as The Room because it dragged in a couple places and felt longer. Overall, though, I was delighted to find that, unlike Cade: The Tortured Crossing, this was not a big letdown. It was, in turns, bonkers and confusing and ridiculous, and I had a damn good time with it. If you get a chance, check it out.

  • Ken_Begg

    Not in any of the recent ones. He's not gibbering with fear and waiting for Rey to come save him.

  • Ken_Begg

    Pttt, how could I lord it over all of you if you ALL got fabulous blueberry pie?

    Sadly, there has been some shrinkflation in effect, but it made it more manageable to eat an entire pie over the weekend. And the quality is still fantastic.

    I solved my key lime conundrum by buying two little key lime squares and eating a bit of those with each slice of blueberry pie. Sheer bliss.

    This pie is only available in August, but their blueberry crumble pie, drizzled with that translucent coffee cake icing, is generally available. So anyone who makes it into town for a visit can have some of of that if they like.

  • Ken_Begg

    Ugh, Cade was terrible. And not in a good way. Breen seemed to be fixated on like three scenes, shot them over and over again with different (or the same) "actors" and finally got bored and just edited two hours of rough footage together into a "movie."

    He's really lost his passion for the work. It made me long to be watching a Jerry Warren movie or something.

  • Rodford Smith

    I meant the brain (and presumably other organs) in the robot body.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    Maybe Neil Breen and Bill Rebane could get together.

  • Ken_Begg

    Hey, at least William Grefe knew how to photograph butts.