Monster of the Day #3471

Happy (?) Monday, everyone. Hey, it’s only three weeks until Labor Day. Good grief.

  • That's a bat, man.

    Why the hell would you rude anything like that?

    And is the bat a robot? or the man?

  • 🐻 bgbear_rnh

    I found a dead bat yesterday while doing clean up. I did not check for laser injuries.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    "So, how's the cover for my 'Batman, Crime Fighter' comic book coming along?"

  • Gamera977

    Be careful! The robot that killed it might still be hanging around.

  • Gamera977

    I thought the future was evil robots vs. evil apes. Never figured on bats being involved….

  • Beckoning Chasm

    That bat looks extraordinarily uncomfortable. I mean, he's bleeding from the mouth. So I'm not sure how much he enlisted for.

  • Eric Hinkle

    This is OT but I have to share it. I just read some remarks on Amazon about the famous* late 70's devil flick Devil Dog: The Hound of Hell. Namely how it is 'reminiscent of the best work of Val Lewton'.

    So, the next time you wonder if you have poor taste in movies, just remember that.

    Oh yes, if you like evil killer dogs apparently Zoltan: Dog of Dracula is available in DVD again, too.

    * — I mean, I saw it several times so everyone else has too, right?

  • Ken_Begg

    Oh, I imagine everyone here has seen Devil Dog.