Watch Party tonight!

You’ll want to join us tonight if you can. I hope to see you there.

  • 🐻 bgbear_rnh

    We are all invisible at the watch party.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    I've been half way through the Bill Rebane box set.

    His films are all competent, in that they are focused, framed so the important stuff is on screen, shot from angles to give variety. Technically it's all there. Story wise, it's awful with no reprieve.

    So far the best film is "Monster a Go Go." Ponder that for a moment. Take two.

  • My issue with the is that they also just tend to be rather mean-spirited at the end of the day. Even The Giant Spider Invasion, at the end of the day, is mostly just about awful people being awful to one another, some of them die. And the less said about The Alpha Incident, the better.

  • What was the movie? We were busy with out of town family visiting, then I crashed out about the time the movie would have started anyway.

  • 🐻 bgbear_rnh

    It was a big as a battleship.

  • Dorothy Cobb

    Starring the Magnificent Gooney Bird!

  • Eric Hinkle

    Hah! I've actually had people scream me out elsewhere online just for saying that the effects for that movie weren't very good. "Like, uh, you can't say that unless you can do better, d00d."

    I think they're trolling. I hope.

  • The Rev.

    Sorry I missed the giant flying battleship. I slept incredibly badly the night before, and as soon as I got home from work I zonked out pretty quickly in the recliner. I'll try again next time.

  • Jamie will be crushed. That's his favorite movie, lol.

  • Gamera977

    Actually I think the Claw is a pretty nice puppet. It would make more sense in a kiddie show though. ;)

  • Gamera977

    I tried watching 'Monster A Go Go' on YouTube about six months ago and kept falling asleep. 'Giant Spider Invasion' I've only seen in the MST3K version, I guess I need to watch the normal version soon.

  • Ken_Begg

    I considered rerunning it this Friday, because we had like six people (five others and myself). Then I realized I'm too lazy for that.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    The only thing you'll get from a Bill Rebane film is an hour and a half older.