Jabootu's Bad Movie Dimension

Monster of the Day #3336

It’s not so much the zombie with the club, it’s his team of trained ferrets. Hmm, on the other hand, a trained ferret killed Rip Torn, so…..

Monster of the Day #3335

Well…that’s a very specific fetish. Man, that’s pretty, though. I wonder how much these guys made to paint these. $25? $50?

Monster of the Day #3330

Speaking of, c’mon Haffner Press, where’s my hardcover, two-volume set of Silver John stories? (Yeah, I know, better to get it right….) Happy Hump Day for the masses, and happy Bofuri Day… Read Article →

Monster of the Day #3328

Happy (???) Monday, everyone! This would have been a great Halloween MotD, but hey, I just found it. Unless I’ve used it before, which is entirely possible. Still, neat. Friday’s Watch Party… Read Article →

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