Monster of the Day #3435

So it was quite a while between the Hanna-Barbera Godzilla cartoon and Netflix’ trilogy of anime Godzilla movies in 2017. The wait was NOT worth it. Nobody should like the idea of Godzilla and anime more than me–although 2017 might have been before I really got going with that, and I did rather like the subsequent Godzilla anime. The movies were boring, though, the animation was bad, the human characters were atrocious and the Toho monsters were reimagined in about the worst and least interesting ways. I didn’t even watch the secord or third films. Bah.

  • kgb_san_diego

    I only got about 15 minutes in before turning it off.

  • I watched all three and they rank right down there with Godzilla’s Revenge as something that I will not watch again. For all it’s faults, the Hanna-Barbera at least knew what its audience wanted to see. Here, instead of a mobile monster we get a Godzilla as static and still as the worst of the Millennium movies, without the benefit of a somewhat entertaining story. You could remove the big guy, replace him with Yongary, and nothing would change.

    A major disappointment.

  • Seriously. There’s a series on YouTube called Godzilla Island. All the monsters are portrayed by toys. It is a much better showing for the Big Guy than this.

  • 🐻 bgbear_rnh

    Pluto has a Godzilla channel now so it is fun to just drop in and get surprised* or have it on in the background. Pluto channels usually have a tolerable number of commercials but I feel the Godzilla channel has more than average.

    *first time I put the channel on, “Godzilla vs Hedora”. blech even in Japanese.

  • Eric Hinkle

    Where can I find Pluto? And please, no ‘with Mickey’ or ‘beyond the orbit of Neptune’.

  • 🐻 bgbear_rnh

    Some smart TVs you can add the app. if your TV is not so smart and has a free HDMI port you can get it through devices like roku or firestick . There is also full access on any computer and there are phone apps.

    All free because ads. The commercials are not that bad, about same as old Network broadcast TV, much less than cable TV channels or OTR digital.

  • Eric Hinkle

    Thanks. I can try it on my laptop. I get Tubi on it just fine.