Monster of the Day #3433

Netflix is making a push in animated series revolving around the classic Japanese (and in this case, American) kaiju; Godzilla, King Kong (recently posted) and soon to come, Gamera. These has mostly flown under the radar, possible because the anime Godzilla movies they streamed were TERRIBLE.

However, let’s take a look at these monster cartoon. The first I can think of is the 1966’s The King Kong Show, when Rankin Bass ended up with the right to Kong. They team up with Toho to produce King Kong Escapes, and then with Toei Animation for this show. Famously–at least here on Jabootu–they also worked with the Toei studio to later produce such telefilms as The Bermuda Depths and The Last Dinosaur.

The King Kong Show basically plays like a ton of Hanna-Babera shows of the time, like Moby Dick and, later, the Godzilla Saturday morning cartoon. A family moves to Skull Island, and the son Bobby makes friends with Kong, and they fight dinosaurs and mad scientists, including Dr. Who, who also appeared in King Kong Escapes. Honestly, about the only thing I remember from this highly generic show is the theme song. That’s something, though, I guess. I can still sing at least parts of it, so….

  • KeithB

    Is Gigantor next?

  • I remember loving and watching this show, but the only reason I could tell you about any of the stories is because I watched a few a couple of years back. Middle of the road stuff, but entertaining stuff.

  • Rock Baker

    As a back-up, the series also had Tom of T.H.U.M.B. which spoofed the spy craze. It, too, provided a snappy theme song I sometimes hum.

  • Gamera977

    This is one I’d never even heard of before Paper Finz.

  • Eric Hinkle

    I’ve heard of this show several times, but I’ve never seen an episode. Maybe I should see if I can find some episodes online.

  • zombiewhacker

    So just to set the record straight, was the villain’s name spelled Who or Hu?

  • Gamera977

    Paper Finz spells it ‘Who’.

    And the family are surnamed ‘Bond’.

    So I guess if you really wanted Bond fighting Dr. Who this is it… (sigh)…

  • Killer Meteor

    Definetly Who.

  • Eric Hinkle

    So of all the villains Kong faced in this series, Who was on first?