Monster of the Day #3436

Netflix largely redeemed itself (at least with me) by co-funding the anime series Godzilla Singular Point. It wasn’t perfect, but it had a load of monsters like Rodan and Anguius and reinterpreted them in, again at least to me, interesting and entertaining ways. Not a perfect show, but a quantum leap forward from their dire trilogy of Godzilla anime films. GSP was smart and, most importantly, fun.

  • 🐻 bgbear_rnh

    Oh, I hate it when a TV show is smarter than me ;-)

  • And it probably should have been called Rodan, with all the Rodans in it. I liked it, despite the fact it fails to give what Godzilla fans want: Godzilla fighting a ton of monsters. The Big Guy gets only one real fight, and even it isn’t that great.

    The end credit sequence is closer to what I wanted. Makes me a little sad, thinking about it, really.