Monster of the Day #3438

Michael Jackson finally did one surgery too many.

“Oh, and also, a man with a skull head is running towards us with a huge dagger.  So after gawking at the talking heads, also look at that, I guess. Also, I just bought this dress and now it’s got a rip in it!”

“Screw you, Barb! Save you? You’ve got one dinky rope on you! I’ve got four of ’em!  Why don’t you save me?”

  • #BelieveAllTalkingSeveredHeads

  • Okay, I get it. Skeletor Face is going to chop off their heads and shrink them down, keeping them alive through it all. That’s pretty horrific when you stop and think about it. Not as bad as subjecting people to The Lucifer Complex, but in the vicinity. You can definitely see the building from there.

    (Kidding aside, as bad as Friday’s flick was, I preferred it to Staying Alive. No, really. I did.)

  • 🐻 bgbear_rnh

    It is funnier if you imagine “Dave” is Skeleton Face.

  • Gamera977

    She looks more annoyed like Dave put on a tie that doesn’t match his pants instead of scared for her life….

  • Gamera977

    Yeah ‘The Lucifer Complex’ was more boring than awful.

  • Ain’t that the truth.

  • Ken_Begg

    It’s sad when something just flies over someone’s head and so they just label it ‘boring.’

  • kgb_san_diego


  • Sadder still when the film you’re defending is the Lucifer Complex

  • Eric Hinkle

    Everyone has to die sooner or later, but you can at least color-coordinate your wardrobe.