Monster of the Day #3439

Someday Jennifer Lawrence will also pioneer women in comic books having agency, just like she did in action movies. Until then, well, I guess we get this stuff.

Also, are these the same two chumps from yesterday’s cover? Yeesh.

  • Gamera977

    Well, if Dave was the Skellyface this could be the same couple.

    And it looks like Carl has plenty to worry about before he can help Barb.

    I finally got around to reading ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’ over the weekend. If you squint just right it looks like Carl is drowning in a pool of milk chocolate and the dark water puddles are chocolate chips.

  • It’s the same girl and skeleton (sans his flesh suit.) The guy, however, is Carl, not Dave.

    See, this is how Blonde gets her kicks. Pretending to be helpless while her erstwhile lover takes the Big Sleep. She’s really a Necromancer, and the undead are under her sway.

  • Eric Hinkle

    Now that idea would make for a great story, either for these comics or for one of the old horror anthology TV shows like Tales of the Darkside that not seem to have sadly gone the way of the dodo.

  • Sebastian m

    JL is so cringe.