Speed Racer gets his helmet handed to him…

Although I had previously predicted that Warners’ might be exaggerating the tallies for Speed Racer in order to gain the box office’s second place position this last weekend–the figures widely reported on the Sunday and Monday morning news shows are estimates–things proved more dire than I had anticipated. What Happens in Vegas did indeed inch up (from the estimated $20 million to an actual $20.2m) into second place, but Racer‘s totals fell more than I would have thought, from an “estimated” $20.2m to an actual $18.56m, a nearly two million dollar drop. Given that Speed Racer a nearly 900 theater advantage over Happens, it’s even more embarrassing that the horribly reviewed romcom managed to rake in nearly a $1,000 more per venu than the cartoon-inspired action fest, which had an announced budget of $120 million (not counting advertising and prints costs), which some believe to be a significant lowballing of the true cost. Indeed, it’s possible that Speed Racer actually cost as much or more than Iron Man, which has made roughly ten times as much (admittedly through its second weekend).

In any case, the Wachowskis seriously better hope their next movie makes money. Here’s a hint: Don’t make another kid’s movie that last two hours and fifteen minutes. Unlike many, I don’t think the problem was that not enough people know Speed Racer. I think they just saw the previews and were generally unmoved. And again, people who have seen it tell me it is basically a kid’s movie, so again, why the hell would you make it two hours and a quarter. If they had shaved half an hour or more out of this, they might have had something.

  • sardu

    Maybe after this fiasco the W. Bros. will get back to making smart edgy Cohen Bros. influenced noir films. Bound is the kind of thing they should be doing.

  • Blackadder

    I don’t know what the problem is in Hollywood these days, but I’m getting tired of cheesy horror movies and gross out comedies – to say nothing of kid’s movies! – that clock in at two hours or more. B movies are supposed to be ninety minutes or less, dammit. More is not better. Even the original Pirates of the Caribbean, which I actually thought was pretty good, would have been better if a rewrite had trimmed fifteen minutes or so. For something like Speed Racer, there is no excuse.

  • Ken, one other note to truly pounds home how much SPEED RACER bombed. Monday morning star Emilie Hirsch fired his agent and quit his big Hollywood talent agency.

  • John Nowak

    Isn’t it a little frightening that a film can be #3 in a weekend and still lose money? The economics of film are very scary…

    Another odd little bit: I collect soundtracks, and yesterday I went off to Amazon to pick up Iron Man (the soundtrack was repetitive but striking) and Speed Racer (the composer also did the soundtrack for the game Mercenaries, and I’ll get his work unheard).

    The Iron Man soundtrack was out of stock and backordered.

    Speed Racer was alread available used, for seven bucks off the new price.

  • The Wachowski bros certainly put a lot of effort into making Speed Racer… but the movie overall looked and felt like a cross between anime, a kaleidoscope, that Flintstones movie, a video game and the Dukes of Hazard

  • The Rev. D.D.

    That may be the perfect description.

    Any interest (however slight) I may have had in this film is wiped out by the length. If a movie’s going to be that long it better damn well keep me engaged the whole time, or close to it. Considering the commercials can’t even do that, I have a feeling I’m better off not bothering.