Monster of the Day #3406
Sadly for her, that crab had REALLY imprinted on that little dog that pulled down that little girl’s swimsuit. (Boy, imagine how that ad would go down today!) I’ll give her this:… Read Article →
Sadly for her, that crab had REALLY imprinted on that little dog that pulled down that little girl’s swimsuit. (Boy, imagine how that ad would go down today!) I’ll give her this:… Read Article →
Happy Friday Eve, everyone! Man, Gorilla Grodd was older than I thought. Why isn’t there a show adapting these crazy old pulp stories? That would be great. Netflix, get on it!
Speaking of killer birds…that lady is pretty savvy, tossing that knife at The Shadow to distract him from the real danger.
“An anti-American eagle. It’s diabolical.”
Boy, if it’s not one damned thing it’s another. So Friday we watched Chatterbox, the talking va-jay-jay movie. Ah, the ’70s. Yes, it’s on Amazon Prime. We had one person decamp, and… Read Article →
Ran out of worms? Have a great weekend, everyone. Watch something stupid. In fact, watch something stupid with us tonight at our Watch Party.
Feeling antsy…worst case scenario. Happy Friday Eve, everyone.
See ya!
Godzilla 2000 back in theaters tonight for Godzilla Day. Not the greatest G film. Orga being highly generic and forgettable is probably the biggest issue. Still, it’s the film that introduced Millennium… Read Article →
Happy Halloween, everyone!