Monster of the Day #3406

Sadly for her, that crab had REALLY imprinted on that little dog that pulled down that little girl’s swimsuit.

(Boy, imagine how that ad would go down today!)

I’ll give her this: That chick is cool and collected. She looks very mildly perturbed at best.

Happy Friday, everyone! Have a great weekend. Watch something stupid.

Watch Party next week. And no nudity! I promise!

  • Beckoning Chasm

    She’s mildly irked because her ex is holding a teeny tiny crab right next to the camera. He was going to throw it at her while she dozed, but she woke up. The drama, I tell you, the drama.

  • 🐻 bgbear_rnh

    Crabby, you look a little red, try my sunscreen.

  • Gamera977

    ‘How can I get a suntan when the rude giant crab monster keeps blocking the sun!?!’

  • Gamera977

    No nudity next week? Thanks Ken, I was really worried you were going to drop ‘Sextette’ or ‘Double Agent 73’ on us next…..

  • Beckoning Chasm

    I definitely watched something stupid. Visual Vengeance released a blu-ray of “Lycan Colony.” Don’t worry, the blu-ray seems to be a mere formality, as the same sound clipping, wandering graphics, green-screen effects and “unique” editing are all preserved. As for the film, it’s remarkably terrible.

    To cleanse that, I’ve been watching the 4K DVDs of the Universal Monster movies. They all look brilliant, with wonderful atmosphere. But Lon Chaney Jr was never an actor.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    Watching “Starship Troopers” in 4K. It looks absolutely brilliant. Early CGI was made by artists who wanted to expand visuals and make something great, and the visuals in this look absolutely fantastic. (OK, for you CGI haters, I’ll admit later CGI was by people who had passed a course in Maya or whatever., and weren’t inspired to do anything artistic.)

    As for “Starship Troopers,” I sure wish it was smarter. It’s really, really dumb. It’s Denise Richardson level dumb. My theory is that it’s propaganda made by the bugs. {“These are the creatures we are fighting. Notice how shallow and stupid they are.”)

    Can’t deny it’s a fun movie to watch, though.

  • 🐻 bgbear_rnh

    Dumb on purpose. Funniest line: “medic!”. It should not be but is.

  • 🐻 bgbear_rnh

    Doris Wishman. Shudder.

  • Ken_Begg

    You are safe, they are not on Amazon Prime.