Jabootu's Bad Movie Dimension

Monster of the Day #3247

Another cultural artifact that will pass with our generation is the work of Basil Gogos. Man, that’s such great stuff. If you’re looking for somewhat to put on your Christmas wish list,… Read Article →

Monster of the Day #3246

Cullen pointed out that Vincent Price played an actual vampire–and thus the only ‘real’ monster he ever played, although Phibes seemed bordering on the undead–in Monster Club, a late, 1980 Amicus anthology… Read Article →

Monster of the Day #3245

Dorothy Cobb pointed out, after my assertion that Price never played an actual monster save for Phibes, his Phantom of the Opera-ish role in House of Wax. She’s right, of course.

Monster of the Day #3240

You know, we could probably do an entire T-Fest of “Astronauts Come Back from Space as a Monster” movies. Easily. Weird little micro-genre. Anyway, Incredible Melting Man, on Amazon Prime.

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