Jabootu's Bad Movie Dimension

Monster of the Day #3153

Still doing your last minute Christmas (sorry Doctor Who, Festive) shopping? Why, nothing says kiddie fun like a game based on a national trauma-inducing horror film, complete with human skull. I mean,… Read Article →

Monster of the Day #3152

My main problem with Piranha (the original, obviously) is that the idea of using genetically altered super-piranha as bio-weapons by dumping them into rivers in enemy territory is utterly ridiculous. And I… Read Article →

Monster of the Day #3149

I put up a wonderful classic Dracula poster yesterday, how about a wonderful Bride of Frankenstein poster? Man, that’s nice. I’m not good with languages. Is that the French poster?

Monster of the Day #3147

For an absolutely gooftacular monster, basically a dimestore (dollar store now, I guess) version of Manda, Reptilicus has sure gotten a lot of play. Barring a remake (which could NEVER recapture the… Read Article →

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