Jabootu's Bad Movie Dimension

Monster of the Day #3539

As we can see from this, AIP’s posters were getting a lot more sophisticated. Several films that year that had monsters of sorts–The Terror, The Haunted Palace–forwent them on the poster art… Read Article →

Monster of the Day #3535

Warning: Poster may be only 96% accurate. Back to work. Sigh. And the Fourth of July is a week from Thursday. Crazy. And…Watch Parthy this Friday? Right?

Monster of the Day #3532

“Hey, doc, can you help me? I’ve had this coffin‘ in my chest.” I can’t put my finger on it, but I really like this poster for some reason.

Monster of the Day #3531

One thing I’ve noticed is that although movie posters for cheapie monster movies are notorious for exaggerating the monsters to make them look more amazing, AIP didn’t bother with that for Paul… Read Article →

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