Watch Party tonight!

I do want to say, though, that the movie I’m showing tonight is normally not the one I’d be showing tonight, by which I mean right after School for Unclaimed Girls. It’s not the same thing, but usually I really like to switch things up and so normally I’d be picking a goofy monster movie for tonight.

However, while Amazon has really been beefing up it’s schlock recently, they also run their old movies on very short windows. Basically, the film will drop off of Prime following this weekend, so its use it or lose it time. And I don’t want to lose it.

Next, goofy monster movie. I swear.

Hope to see you there!

  • Beckoning Chasm

    OT, but Kno Lorber is having a sale. Some pretty decent prices. Not a lot that I want, but some W.C. Fields on blue-ray would be nice.

  • Ken_Begg

    Well, that's just because everyone already owns Ants on Blu Ray.

  • 🐻 bgbear_rnh

    "Dirty Mary Crazy Larry" because I can't get enough of downer endings.

  • 🐻 bgbear_rnh

    I mean how many Chargers had to die to make that film?

  • Beckoning Chasm

    Sorry I missed it. Hope everyone had a good time.

  • kgb_san_diego

    Sorry I missed. What was it?

  • 🐻 bgbear_rnh

    "All That Heaven Allows" a charming feel good love story about a man, a woman, and a deer.

  • kgb_san_diego

    Ahhhh, I see. One step off from Magnificent Obsession?

  • 🐻 bgbear_rnh

    continuing the magic

  • Eric Hinkle

    For some reason I always remember that title as "Dirty Moe, Crazy Larry."

  • Beckoning Chasm

    Tonight's blue-ray feature was "Godmonster of Indian Flats" from Vinegar Syndrome. For the age, this film looks and sounds great. Written and directed by Fred C. Dobbs–um, I mean Frederic Hobbs. Does that name sound familiar? It should! The only cast member I recognized was Erica Gavin (Hubba hubba, "Vixen"!) but "Philip" looks a lot like Martin Mull (RIP) and the professor's voice is a dead ringer for Les Tremayne. Plot? Uh, well, there's this rich guy who paid a lot to preserve this historic town, and an agent from another rich guy who wants to buy the town, and the movie is basically about the conflict between the two. There's a ridiculous "You shot my dog!" scene that couldn't have fooled anyone with a functioning brain, but here it is, as a major plot point, too. And there's a bunch of what Red Letter Media calls "shooting the rodeo." Mainly, sigh, the movie is yet another indictment of America as Racism Central. (To the point where this will probably show up on Disney Plus with the monster edited out.)

    Monster? Oh, yeah, there's a mutant sheep monster that eventually kills a guy or two, but don't worry about that. The film-makers didn't. It's barely in the movie, until the end, when the unconvincing muppet reject wanders around a lot and is easily caught. You kind of expect that the monster is at least going to kill some of the bad guys, but he doesn't. Nope, the evil racist people are alive and well and prosperous and win…except in the last five minutes when, um, the townspeople go berserk, the mayor (one of the rich guys) goes crazy, and everyone dies. The rest? Uh…hey, look! What kind of bird is that!?! (Runs away.)

  • Beckoning Chasm

    Written and directed by Shemp.