Monster of the Day #3533

Warning: Poster may only be 92% accurate as to scale of film.

  • 🐻 bgbear_rnh

    Even they do not look too much alike I can never keep Richard Devon separate in my head from Lee Delano. It is like Richard Carlson and Hugh Marlowe.

  • I had the same problem with Bill Pullman and Treat Williams.

  • 🐻 bgbear_rnh

    or Bill Pullman and Jeff Daniels.

  • Eric Hinkle

    When I was a boy, I would have looked at this poster promising a boatload of hot blondes and thought, "Cool! Sea serpent!"

  • Gamera977

    I think I saw part of this on MST3K but have never seen the entire actual movie. What I saw there where the sole brunette was the villain kinda honked me off about ever watching the whole film.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    Tonight's 4K feature was "Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth." (It came with the box set. Stop looking at me.) If you'd asked me if I had seen this one before, I would have sworn I'd rented it (on VHS) from Tower Records, but when I watched it I remembered nothing. (Except that the new Cenobites all seemed to be based on technology that has since fallen by the wayside.) Image and sound are great, except when they splice in the "unrated" footage which looks like it came from a VHS copy.
    The Hellraiser films all suffer from the same problem–they're kind of stupid while pretending that they're saying something profound about the human condition. Well, they aren't, really. They're just Jason films where Jason talks a lot. Here, all the effects footage (makeup, explosions, visual) all look really great. They just can't hide that this series really only had one film in it, and had the unfortunate fate that it made too much money to prevent sequels (much as I like II over I).
    They actually have IV in the box set–the one the director disowned. I'm not sure if they restore Yagher's version or not. Kinda not looking forward to finding out.

  • Ken_Begg

    Me too. And by "boy," I mean, 60-year old "man."

    Although yes, then the women sort of get some attention too.

  • Ken_Begg

    Boy, that blonde / brunette dynamic also was used in a bunch of caveman / dinosaur movies. Even as late as Clan of the Cave Bear. Heck, even Archie comics used it.

  • Gamera977

    Yeah, the female version of 'white hats and black hats' I think.

  • Bill Pullman and Bill Paxton for me. The names make it even worse.

  • Yeah, I have a problem with those two, myself.