Monster of the Day #3535

Warning: Poster may be only 96% accurate.

Back to work. Sigh. And the Fourth of July is a week from Thursday. Crazy.

And…Watch Parthy this Friday? Right?

  • Beckoning Chasm

    Main thing I remember about this one was the guy who kept putting his lit pipe in his coat pocket.

  • 🐻 bgbear_rnh

    Another Leo Gordon script. Funny that a guy I associate as one of the great westerns bad guys can write stuff like this and "The Giant Leeches".

  • Gamera977

    She's got great gams… all six of them…

  • Beckoning Chasm

    Tonight's 4K feature was "Hellraiser: Bloodline" aka "Hellraiser 4" aka an Allan Smithee Film. Like most Hellraiser films, it relies on people being stupid and doing stupid things to prove their stupidity. The image and sound are fantastic, like all the others in this Arrow set. But it's the Allan Smithee version, so…though the extras promise a "work print" version which might align more with Kevin Yagher's vision. Maybe on another night I'll take a peak at that. At the very least, this film shows why Pinhead wasn't front and center in the first two films, as he looks like a guy with pins stuck into a mask, not like a guy who has nails driven into his face. (They wiggle an awful lot.) Still, Doug Bradley remains very impressive.
    There's a lot of stuff about timelines and destiny and such, but I kind of missed the bit where the 90's guy's Lament skyscraper didn't work or something. So we could go into space, I guess.
    Overall, it's dumbness piled on dumbness with some icky makeup effects and stuff. And a lot of wildly contradictory bits about what the Lament boxes can and can't do.
    Overall, it mostly kept my interest but will not be revisited soon.

  • 🐻 bgbear_rnh

    I am more of a thorax man myself.

  • Ken_Begg

    BC, God bless ya. You're really keeping the faith, brother.