Jabootu's Bad Movie Dimension

Monster of the Day #1954

A lame Robocop rip-off fighting jumping Chinese vampires? Oh, Godfrey Ho, you magnificent bastard. Brought to you, of course, by Amazon Prime.

Monster of the Day #1952

For those who don’t know, Brett Piper is a throwback, a regional (New Hampshire) filmmaker who has this little niche making very cheapie monster films featuring endearing stop action animation. The movies… Read Article →

Monster of the Day #1949

Gallery of Horror, a very low-rent horror anthology from the ’60s, got mentioned the other day, and yep, it’s on Amazon Prime. The stories tend to have ‘shocking’ twist endings, which ain’t… Read Article →

Monster of the Day #1947

Blood Beat is another Amazon Prime film, a regional (Wisconsin) slasher flick that’s 80% horrible deathly slop and 20% batcrap insanity. The crazy stuff is almost worth sitting through the film for,… Read Article →

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