Monster of the Day #1950

Looking for ’80s cheese? (OK, it was released in 1990, but it’s an ’80s film at heart.) Amazon Prime has you covered with Demon Wind. Boobs, good make-up and prosthetic effects, and bad/forgettable everything else. It’s no Evil Dead, but then you don’t expect it to be.

  • Gamera977

    ‘Demon Wind’ ah? I was thinking ‘Hamburger Head’…

    BTW: Again neither here nor there but Best Buy has the Steel Book edition of ‘Godzilla: King of the Monsters’ on pre-order. Not cheap, about thirty-five bucks US, but it does have about every Blu-Ray version of the film from regular to Ultra HD in a limited edition case. Ordered mine last night.

  • The Rev.

    Already seen this, don’t need to do so again, thanks. Not nearly enough good stuff to justify slogging through it.

    Along those lines, last night I saw Killing Spree, made by the same guy who gave us Truth or Dare?: A Critical Madness. I thought Asbestos Felt’s performance was pretty entertaining. (I found out he was the guy in ToD?: ACM who stuffed a live grenade in his own mouth, with predictable results.) It also had something resembling a coherent plot with some interesting turns. The gore was a mixed bag, with some of it not bad…and then you have what I’m fairly certain is the worst severed head in history (although damned if what’s done with it didn’t crack me up). No musical earworms like the driving music, the most…memorable…vacuuming scene in history, a fantastic end-credits song…overall, while I wouldn’t say it’s good, it was a step up from his previous movie.

    They also played the trailers for the sequels (!) to ToD?: ACM beforehand. I honestly thought the trailer for the second film was one of Andreas Schnaas’ Karl the Butcher movies until the killer lifted his mask and I realized it wasn’t Schnaas. I have a bit of morbid curiosity in someday seeing them, particularly the third one, which made me laugh aloud at a couple of points.

  • Marsden

    Demon Wind? I had that after those spicy burritos….. Oh, nevermind.