Monster of the Day #1954

A lame Robocop rip-off fighting jumping Chinese vampires? Oh, Godfrey Ho, you magnificent bastard. Brought to you, of course, by Amazon Prime.

  • Gamera977

    What is the name of this!?!? I HAVE to see it right now!!!

    I think I’m in love. I didn’t know what I’d been missing all my life… it’s ‘ROTOR vs. The Legend of the Seven Golden Vampires’!

  • Eric Hinkle

    This looks to be one of those movies that Hollywood could never, ever create. Not any more, anyway. It’s lunacy is downright divine.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    OT, but b-movie villain Billy Drago has passed away. RIP.

  • Gamera977

    I would have said Robotrix instead of ROTOR except in that case the android/cyborg would have been Asian, female, and probably topless.

    Not that I have any issue with any of those…

  • The Rev.

    I’ve actually seen more than one movie like this (!), but this looks like the one I’m more familiar with, Robo Vampire. It’s kind of like Counter Destroyer, which we watched at one of the 2011 get-togethers: there’s some good stuff, but there’s also some slogging to get to it. I will say this one feels a bit better-paced than CD, so it’s probably worth at least one watch if you’re into this sort of movie.

  • Ken_Begg

    The Rev is right, you clearly haven’t seen any Godfrey Ho movies. After a couple of them you learn to fast forward to the good stuff, which is insane crap he shoots and inserts into a preexisting film.

  • Rock Baker

    I think THUNDER OF GIGANTIC SERPENT was one of his. If so, that was so berserk that the added footage was downright subtle and timid in comparison. Same thing with CROCODILE FURY, which I think was also one of his (although to be fair, his inserts in that one were quite insane -only less so than the wacky source film already was).

  • Rock Baker

    I got ROBO VAMPIRE in one of those discount multi-packs. Weirdly, the only thing the film DIDN’T feature as I recall, was an actual robot vampire!

  • Gamera977

    No, I’m not familar with Godfrey Ho. Everytime I think I’ve hit rock bottum with bad movies you guys kick a trapdoor open underneath me. I’m both amazed and horrified with each new discovery… ;)

  • Gamera977

    Looking at the Amazon reviews…

    ‘god help anyone that watches this film.’

    ‘a lot of crap on amazon, this is the worse one. not even playable for background noise. it has absolutely no reason for existing.’

    I am SOLD!!!

  • Ken_Begg

    Ha, yes, that’s a four star review!

  • The Rev.

    We watched the trailer for Crocodile Fury at Tween-Fest this year. I definitely want to see it. He was responsible for Thunder of Gigantic Serpent, which I still need to see. He also did the Catman movies, which I have a fondness for I can’t really explain (he said to people that no doubt have movies they feel the same way about). B-Movie TV on Roku has really expanded my knowledge of his films; they’ve played quite a few of his ninja movies, as well as Space Thunder Kids, one of those “movies” where they slap a couple of anime together and dub a ridiculous story over it. It was…something.

  • NathanShumate

    I seriously tried to watch ROBO VAMPIRE, but it vanquished me.

  • Gamera977

    Ouch, with your website I would have thought you’d have built up a resistance by now.

    I watched it Friday night and honestly my biggest problem was staying awake. I dozed off near the end and had to rewind it.

  • NathanShumate

    My callus must have softened. I think it was about the point at which the fifth new “main character” was introduced that I finally cut bait.