Monster of the Day #1952

For those who don’t know, Brett Piper is a throwback, a regional (New Hampshire) filmmaker who has this little niche making very cheapie monster films featuring endearing stop action animation. The movies are terrific or anything, but they scratch an itch for people who miss that sort of thing. This one is Queen Crab, and yes, it’s on Amazon Prime.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    I saw his “Arachnia” years ago. I don’t remember much about it, except that the comic relief dies pretty horribly, and the scientist meets his demise while insisting “An arthropod of this size cannot exist!”

  • Gamera977

    ‘Do you serve crabs here sir?’

    ‘We serve everybody, please sit down…’

    Think I’ve already used that joke but hey if it works once it works a zillion times…

  • Mike Weller

    “Lookat the size of that claw.”
    “The claw?”
    “Not the claw- the claw!”
    “…been watching ‘Get Smart’ reruns again, eh Doc?”

  • Wade Harrell

    I loved the stop-motion creatures in that! Everything else was pretty stupid. When I read the description I assumed the plane would be going down in a jungle some place, but it turns out to be merely rural within the US For all the talk of being stuck there sure were plenty of cars around! Why would a college group charter a small prop plane to fly within the US anyway? I got the feeling that it was originally supposed to be somewhere more exotic but decided to make it local to keep it cheap. They could have made it cheaper still if they just had a car that broke down! I also thought it was funny that moments after surviving a plane crash in an unknown place two of the girls decide the must take a bath….

  • The Rev.

    Yeah, I haven’t watched it again since the first time, as it was more bad than entertaining, as I recall. The effects are wonderful in that way stop-motion is, though, and I enjoyed the comic relief being horribly killed. Although I guess the Rifftrax guys got ahold of it, so I’ll probably watch it again now.

  • Wade Harrell

    I think it was the Rifftrax version I watched, which helps a lot. It was on Amazon Prime at the time and they always seem to have a good selection of Rifftrax stuff available, but they rotate which ones. I really did appreciate the creature design though, I’m an arachnid enthusiast, and while these creatures did not look like actual spiders, they DID look like something that could have evolved from prehistoric arachnids and not just a hodge-podge of random bug parts thrown together (such as Peter Jackson’s Shelob), which is actually better than just making a giant spider. Somebody put a lot of thought into that, and I wish they had put that much effort into other aspects of the movie!

  • Gamera977

    I think it’s a horror movie rule that if you’re young, attractive, and female you have to take a shower/bath somewhere in the movie.

    If I knew I were in a horror movie I’d take nothing but sponge baths. Then again I’m middle-aged, male, and not that good-looking so hopefully I’m safe.

  • Marsden

    All I can say is, thank God that things without lungs can never get that big! First crabs have gills, but even land arthropods only have spiricals for airflow and the oxygen can never diffuse through such a large creature.

    Oh, I’m ruing the fun.

    I mean, Quick, Get the Flit! Yeah.