There was a time when I was a comics junkie, although this ended probaby twenty years ago. Part of it was getting tired in stuff like seeing characters killed half a dozen times over the years and keep turning up alive.
However, the bigger part was that at one point I was laying out incredible amounts of money every month. (And it’s not like I was making all that much.) I was reading so many books–I look at my dusty old comic book longboxes now and think, “Why the hell was I buying that?”–that I started using a service to buy my stuff. Basically, instead of going to the comic book store every week, I ordered titles and they all came in a once-a-month shipment. Do this I saved something like 30% off the cover prices. Even then, though, I was usually blowing something north of $200 every month. And again, this was back in the ’80s, when the minimum wage was like $3.25.
So, anyway, now I buy the occasional ‘graphic novel’ compilation, order more to read via inter-library loan (handy, since I work in a library), and bum a read off another guy at work who buys some stuff.
Anyhoo, Marvel’s big mega-plotline this year is the “Civil War,” which basically entails a bill that would make superheroes register with the guv’ment. Some are for it, and some agin it, and one side of the superhero community is fighting the other.
So today my buddy gives me a stack of six comics to look over. I read comics quickly–one reason I bought so many at my peak–and so this probably represents about an hour’s worth of reading material, if that.
Cover price for these six books? $20. (2x$4, plus 4x$3.) I’m sure if I bought as many books as I did back in the day, my habit would be costing me at least $500-600 a month.
I don’t think I’ll resuming that hobby any time soon.
By the way, do parents still indulgently buy comics for their kids anymore? When I ran up to my mom and asked to buy the latest issue of Spider-Man as a kid, it cost .20. If my kid (if I had one) said “Can I buy this?” and I saw it cost four bucks, I’d be like, no way.