No longer kicking the Hobbit…

New Line Cinema has finally made nice with Peter Jackson (I’m sure the financial collapse of The Golden Compass had nothing to do with this), and Jackson has now signed to produce and oversee two Hobbit movies.  I assume Jackson is willing to actually direct these movies, but is holding out for more money.  Or maybe not.  That seems likely, though. 

Presumably the novel will just be broken up into two parts, allowing for every passage to be featured and sparing fan’s the trauma experienced after the deleting of, say, Tom Bombadil from the LoTR movies.

As with the earlier trilogy, the two films will be shot back to back, and released back to back in 2010 and 2011.

UPDATEApparently I’m not alone in my suspicions:

Why did this happen now, after many years of bitterness between Jackson and New Line over the Lord of the Rings payouts? I suppose there are many reasons, but I would suppose one very relevant proximate cause would be Bob Shaye and Michael Lynne trying to save their asses in the wake of the very expensive The Golden Compass cratering very badly at the box office ($40 million in two weeks, with a nearly 66% dropoff in the second weekend — not good news when your production budget is $180 million and you’ve sold off the foreign rights). My guess: it’ll work.”

New Line really blew it with this one.  Outside of the Lord of the Rings movies, and to a lesser extent Narnia, most of the recent fantasy movies have crashed and burned just like this one.   (Nor has casting Daniel Craig and Nicole Kidman proven as co-stars particularly fruitful for filmmakers.  It’s not often co-stars offer us two giant bombs in one year.  Craig no doubt will be relieved to get back to his next Bond film.  As for Kidman…The Stepford Wives, Birth, The Human Stain, Bewitched, The Invasion…yikes!) 

New Line sold off the foreign rights to mitigate the film’s high production budget, but gambled poorly, as the foreign box office has been at least decent as opposed to the domestic box office.  Unless New Line got a lot more for those foreign rights than I expect they did, they are going to lose their shirts on this one. 

  • Ericb

    Does this mean it will be made in New Zealand and won’t be affected by the writers’ strike?

  • sardu

    From what I’ve read, no particulars have been set at all, including filming in NZ. But I expect that NZ settings and the involvement of WETA is a given. There would be a fan revolt otherwise and New Line isn’t going to bring that down on their heads. For all we know, Jackson/Walsh/Boyens already have a script in the can…

  • fish eye no miko

    Yes! W00t! Yayz! Etc…

    /Skip TGC, go see Enchanted instead. And only four days till Sweeney Todd!

  • BeckoningChasm

    I really don’t want to meet anyone who was disappointed that Tom Bombadil was dropped from LOTR. I hated, hated, hated that character.

    Perhaps with both The Golden Compass and King Kong behind them, Jackson and New Line will feel somewhat less self-indulgent and remember that they have to tell a story, here.

  • Terrahawk

    I really don’t want to meet anyone who was disappointed that Tom Bombadil was dropped from LOTR. I hated, hated, hated that character.

    If you look on the comments on the site that Ken linked to, you see a few of those people. One guy even complained that the siege wasn’t realistic. Really, do we want to spend months watching a real medieval siege? And, yes the whole Bombadil section was wisely excised. Some people are just never happy.

  • The Rev. D.D.

    So is “Enchanted” as good as the ads make me think it is? It’s a rare “kid’s movie” that draws me in that strongly with their promos. I think the only other ones to do that in years were “The Incredibles,” which plopped itself right into my list of favorite animated films ever, and various Miyazaki movies (although I didn’t really need ads for those.)

  • KeithB

    Well, two movies means we will probably see Beorn’s Hall, which would probably be the first thing to go in a one movie version.

    Besides, a two-movie version means they can reuse all the songs from the Rankin-Bass version!

  • fish eye no miko

    Rev. D.D.: Yes, Enchanted is as good as the ads make it look! It’s very sweet and funny. And the subplot with the queen’s lackey is really neat; it helps that Timothy Spall (who plays a similar character in the Harry Potter films) plays the part so well.

  • BeckoningChasm

    Besides, a two-movie version means they can reuse all the songs from the Rankin-Bass version!

    Oh God, the songs. Even the ones in the book I thought were awful. Suddenly I don’t want to see any version of the Hobbit, kthnxbai.

  • sardu

    It’s my understanding that the 2 movie format will allow for the telling of the parallel story that is only alluded to later in LOTR- namely, what Gandalf is up to while Bilbo is having his adventure (i.e., he and the other Istari are chasing Sauron from his then-current stronghold in Mirkwood). That should rawk.

  • Jimmy

    It would be good news if it weren’t for the two movie thing. It’s clear the decision has been made so the studio can squeeze every possible cent out of the production rather than any genuine storytelling reasons. If they are going to include that other stuff with Gandalf it is definitely going to suck, unnecessarily protacting and ruining what should be a straight forward fantasy adventure movie. The Hobbit does not need to be two movies- I’m sure they could include almost all the material from the book in a three hour movie. If they do include that other plot line with Gandalf,whoich has nothing to do with the story in the Hobbit, it will be even worse.

  • The Rev. D.D.

    It does seem rather unnecessary, but a film featuring Sir Ian McClellan (and who knows, maybe Christopher Lee) couldn’t be all bad…

    Still, I’m more interested in seeing if they can do Smaug justice on the big screen.