Oddly specific mission statement…

A description of the upcoming NBC pilot/redo of Knight Rider, incorporating a newer car with “transformer” technology:

“Plot Concept: Tracer is recruited by his childhood best friend, Sarah Graiman (Deanna Russo), and her eccentric physicist father, Charles (Davison), to join the Knight Foundation, a group committed to counteracting and preventing the damage done by private, covert military contractors. To assist their missions, Charles creates the second-generation KITT, an artificially intelligent car. A shady millionaire approaches Charles to commission a KITT car, and when Charles refuses, he hires a military contractor to murder him and steal the car.”

It’s brilliant!  By making the villains (apparently in an on-going way, if a series follows) “military contracters,” you make them both military and businessmen at the same time!  Now if they can just get something about global warming in there.

Also, does this mean that Knight Rider the Series (should such a thing occur) will take place largely overseas?  Becaues how much mischief are Military Contractors going to be getting up to here in the States?  At least the kind of stuff a super-car can help balk?

David Hasselhoff will be appearing–if I had to guess, I’d say he’ll be the new Devon–and I’m reminded of the fact that they just won’t let this show die.  There was Knight Rider 2000 in 1991, a ‘future’-set  TV movie about Hasselhoff getting back together with KITT, and that MegaForce-like series of Team Knight Rider TV movies in that one wheel that rotated them with Smokey and the Bandit TV movies, and some other stuff I don’t remember (a martial arts show, maybe–that sounds right), and also the syndicated Knight Rider 2010, also about a team of futuristic super-vehicles.

I mean, seriously, what the hell?

By the way, remind me next year to do that series of Knight Rider articles I’ve always meant to get around to.  There’s a story arc I’ve been planning to get to for a while now.

  • Ericb

    How many “private, covert military contractors” are there in the world? I sure hope the people in the Kinght Foundation Group aren’t planning on quitting their day jobs as I see them having lots of downtime.

  • I have to say, that’s a weirdly narrow goal. I suspect that will be quickly jetisonned as things progress.

  • Ericb

    They may be trying to avoid the “vigilante” label by going against just one villain and his private army.

    On another note, when you think about it isn’t the Knight Foundation Group itself a private, covert military contractor?

  • sardu

    Maybe they want to create sort of an ongoing nemesis- like Lex Luthor. This sounds too lame for words.

  • David Fullam

    Team Knight Rider. Good Lord, was that one of the sorriest excuses for TV ever broadcast.

  • Maybe they’re setting up to be the counterpart to The Bionic Woman, where Kitt and co. try to foil the Birkett Group’s missions on a regular basis. Think of all the crossover episode possibilities.

  • What does a physicist have to do with making an AI car?

  • The Rev. D.D.

    *shudders recalling those horrid Knight Rider spin-offs*
    You’re paying for my therapy.