Stupid Best Buy…

On the one hand, Bestbuy does us the service of putting out two awesome sets of genre obscurities, a second sci-fi set (last year’s has sold out entirely, so let that be a warning to you) and a horror set.  Each set offers five movies for $20 and change, so you can’t beat that.

However, they’ve made them too hard to find.  Both were supposed to be out last week, but the horror set got bumped until early October, apparently.  Worse, all these weeks I’ve been visiting their website daily, searching under “Universal Horror,” and could never find a listing for the item.  Why? Because they’ve catalogued it under “Univ Horror.”  The sci-fi set is also impossible to find by searching under any reasonable version of the set’s actual title.  Good one, brainiacs.

Anyway, here are the links:

Sci-Fi Set (Dr. Cyclops, Curse of the Cobra, The Land Unknown, The Deadly Mantis, The Leech Woman.)

Horror Set  (The Black Cat [1941], Man Made Monster, Horror Island, Night Monster and Captive Wild Woman.)

Seriously, this is essential stuff.  Do yourselves a favor and grab these.

  • The Rev. D.D.

    The sci-fi set looks decent. The horror one might be good since I’ve not seen most of those. I’m loathe to pay for Captive Wild Women again though. BLEH.

  • Well, since each movie runs you about five/six bucks, it’s really still worth it. Plus, you want them to keep putting out sets like this.

  • turkish spock

    Definitely getting the horror one, maybe the sci-fi one, too, although Dr. Cyclops is the only one I’m really crazy about in there. But I’m pretty crazy about it.

    I think maybe it would’ve made more sense to save Captive Wild Woman for a set with its two sequels and instead put, say, The Mad Ghoul in this one. Or Island of Lost Souls, which I believe is now owned by Universal, despite originally being made at Paramount. Or House of Horrors, unless they’re saving that one for a Rondo Hatton set. I’d buy that.

  • The Rev. D.D.

    “Well, since each movie runs you about five/six bucks, it’s really still worth it. Plus, you want them to keep putting out sets like this.”

    Good points. I’ll have to put them on the list.