Monster of the Day #3334
Aside from the pretty good Dan Curtis / Jack Palance Dracula telemovie, there was the 1977 BBC production, Count Dracula, starring Louis Jourdan. It’s comparatively faithful to the novel, but obviously short… Read Article →
Aside from the pretty good Dan Curtis / Jack Palance Dracula telemovie, there was the 1977 BBC production, Count Dracula, starring Louis Jourdan. It’s comparatively faithful to the novel, but obviously short… Read Article →
I guess we could ‘honor’ Peter Bogdanovich by showing Voyage to the Planet of the Prehistoric Women next week. It is another Jabootu subject. I remember it was kind of a slog–although… Read Article →
I wouldn’t show Beastmaster for a Watch Party because a) it’s a bit too good (or rather, cheesy but not QUITE cheesy enough), and more important b) it’s too long, running about… Read Article →
Speaking of Amazon Prime (from Monday), I was worried for a while because they seemed to be dumping all their old schlock just when we started doing Watch Parties, leaving me to… Read Article →
At the opposite end of the spectrum from yesterday’s (presumably) low-budget practical effect driven monster movie, there was lots of theoretically cool cameos–he fights the Iron Giant!–in (which I completely forget) Steven… Read Article →
I probably did this one recently, but I can’t remember if I featured it as MotD of if it was just mentioned in notes. Anyway, no harm done if it’s a recent… Read Article →
There’s a follow-up video to the previous Sandy of Cthulhu one where he and I yakked about movies. This one is mostly about the Jaws franchise. Chad R has a mystery cameo!… Read Article →
Great time last night, thanks to everyone who attended. I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did. The movie was Forbidden Dance. What we learned. Laura Harring is really… Read Article →
We’ve had a pretty good time with these so far, and I want to thank everyone who makes time to join us. If you haven’t attended one before, have an Amazon Prime,… Read Article →
Count Yorga and Blacula, while successfully bringing to (then) modern times a very traditional image of the undead, were kind of the last sputter of the Lugosi-esque Dracula type. After this caped… Read Article →