Monster of the Day #3331

Speaking of Amazon Prime (from Monday), I was worried for a while because they seemed to be dumping all their old schlock just when we started doing Watch Parties, leaving me to fear we would literally run out of good subjects. However, they’re been restocking. Indeed, they have several Jabootu subjects on Prime right now. Some of them I probably wouldn’t use for a Watch Party, but if you’d like to watch them on your own, you may enjoy them.

Sheena, the Jungle Queen movie, is there. It’s two hours long, though, which I think is a bit long for a Watch Party. I’d really like to stay in the 90 minute range for those. Also there’s today’s subject, the Mexican flick Night of the Bloody Apes (there’s only one, actually), which I think is too sleazy for a Watch Party, with overt–if hilarious–gore and sexual violence and whatnot. Still, I can’t say it doesn’t have its charms if you can get past that stuff.

Next Watch Party a week from Friday.

  • KeithB

    What a coinkidink! I am currently reading one of the Sheena stories. Great fun! I got a book of “Adventure Stories” from the thrift store with all kinds of good stuff. Tarzan, Zorro, Shena, “The man who would be king”, “King Solomon’s Mines”..

  • Would that be the massive collection edited by Otto Penzler?

  • By the way, what program do you use for hosting your watch parties? I’m thinking of hosting a few myself….

  • KeithB

    No, it does not appear to be that one. This one is pretty poorly edited with lots of typos.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    If you have an Amazon Prime account, when you find a particular movie and look at the details, there’s a button between the “Plus” and “Download” buttons. It looks like a slice of pizza throwing up. That’s how you can set one up. (NB: I’ve never set one up myself.)

  • Rock Baker

    Indeed, I’d would’ve enjoyed had the original version been imported rather than the sex-n-gore cut. Buried in there is a fairly fun monster movie. It’d be a good one to have on 16mm and cut down to it’s less exploitative base.

  • Ken_Begg

    Yes, that’s the Watch Party icon. You get a link, and then you can email it to people and all watch the movie together. It’s pretty simple.

  • bgbear_rnh

    Directed by junior I believe.

  • Gamera977

    I’ve seen the Mexican ‘Batwoman’ movie. Didn’t know they did the Mexican ‘Incredible Hulk’ here…

    Ya know, as much as the Mexican’s like wrestling movies you think they would have done a Hulk knock-off?

    And that’s one of the major reasons I dropped Netflix for Amazon Prime. Seemed like Netflix was dropping all their cool older and cult films for a bunch of look-alike modern stuff. They did have some good Asian movies but that’s about it. Amazon has a profusion of great old stuff. I’m currently watching the Basil Rathbone Sherlock Holmes movies- never seen them and they’re a delight.

  • Ken_Begg

    You are correct. Netflix decided years ago that the future would be defined by owned, original content rather than library titles. So they dumped pretty much all of that. I think it was wise of Amazon to swoop in on that. These films can’t cost much, and they definitely draw a distinct–if older–audience. That probably doesn’t matter as much since streaming is based on subscriptions and not advertising.

    Oh, yeah, the Rathbone Holmes movies are great. Even when they’re not.