Jabootu's Bad Movie Dimension

Monster of the Day #1096

Toho made three pretty similar movies, although sadly I can’t find a good still for Secret of the Telegian. This is the only one commercially available on DVD.

Monster of the Day #1094

OK, so we finished up our B-Fest monsters yesterday, due to the monster famine in the line-up’s second half. So let’s move on. This is the third of Toho’s interesting, Hammer-influenced ‘Vampire’… Read Article →

Monster of the Day #1093

Forgot this one! It played between Frogs and Plan 9. Again, though, after Yongary there were no more monsters for the Fest’s final half.

Monster of the Day #1092

Unsurprisingly, I considered posting some of the other ghouls from Plan 9, but decided to hold them in reserve for B-Fests to come. Here’s the Fest’s final monster, from Korea’s extremely weird… Read Article →

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