Jabootu's Bad Movie Dimension

Monster of the Day #3309

We wrapped out with our traditional (at least in the ballpark of a) T-Rex movie, with Harryhausen’s classic Valley of Gwangi. This was the last classic we hadn’t gotten around to after… Read Article →

Monster of the Day #3308

So weirdly I myself showed Conquest because it looked goofy (it was made during that period when Italian sword and sorcery films were incorporating Star Wars-y stuff, like the Wookies above, ala… Read Article →

Monster of the Day #3307

We finished up the day shift with Virgins from Hell, a pretty fun and predictably crazy Indonesian action flick about a wonderfully garish female biker gang fighting a jungle crimelord. The first… Read Article →

Sorry everyone…

I didn’t meant to disappear like that. I could take the easy excuse and say I was recovering from watching Staying Alive on Amazon Prime. It…wasn’t that good. Really, though, I was… Read Article →

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