Sorry everyone…

I didn’t meant to disappear like that. I could take the easy excuse and say I was recovering from watching Staying Alive on Amazon Prime. It…wasn’t that good.

Really, though, I was just elliptically aware that this weekend’s T-Fest was fast approaching. And I barely planned nor prepared for it. So this week that’s what I’ve been doing.

So, sad to say, no more MotD until return home next Thursday. Consider this an open thread. Hopefully I and/or some of our other compatriots will be able to jump on and keep you guys apprised of our doings.

Thanks, everyone. I’ll be seeing many of you in the next few days. For the rest, have a great weekend, a better week, and watch something stupid.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    As mentioned, the movie was “Stayin’ Alive.” Basically a sequel to (and remake of) “Saturday Night Fever,” it suffered from lack of characters, interesting story, good performances and (most importantly) soundtrack.

    The original SNF had the Bee Gees, and whatever your thoughts on them or disco, the soundtrack album was a phenomenon, becoming one of the highest selling albums in history. There are songs there that are still played on the radio from time to time.

    I don’t think even Frank Stallone plays the songs from “Stayin Alive” these days.

  • How bad was Staying Alive? I heard music from Grease, a completely different series, and had chills.

    It’s funny. Torture Chamber of Dr. Sadism looked like it would hurt and was fine. Staying Alive looked fine and it hurt.

  • 🐻 bgbear_rnh

    It is nice that Travolta and Stallone’s careers survived that.

  • Is it though? Would have at least spared us Battlefield Earth.