Monster of the Day #3306

Sandy decided to bust out his William Grefe box set–we live in an age of wonders, and were just glad he didn’t bust out his Al Adamson box set (again). In the end he opted for Whiskey Mountain, a Hickploitation film starring Christopher George and his wife, frequent costar Susan Day George. Or so we all thought. Instead, it was Susan Day George clone Roberta Collins, which was only uncovered by Chad R later in the day. And it’s not like nobody in that room wasn’t conversant with Susan Day George, so the resemblance was striking. Anyhoo, it was your typical “northerners find the South isn’t that friendly” picture with rape and killing and, if you know your ’70s exploitation films, a predictable ending. Not bad, not great, nobody regretted the choice, but I doubt it entered anyone’s rewatch list either.

Then we moved on to La Bruja (1954). As many noted, none of us had ever seen a bad Mexican Gothic Horror, and this wasn’t it. It would be nice to have a better copy of it, but sadly Casa Negra went under years ago. This was one of those “disfigured / aging women is beautified with a serum and goes on a kill spree movie,” of which there are more than you’d think. In this case, though, atypically the woman doesn’t want to kill, she’s basically forced into it by a vengeful scientist. Never seen it before and it was neat. Several scenes seemed inspired by Lang’s M.

  • I think you mean Lynda Day George.

  • La Bruja may have been my favorite movie overall. Whiskey mountain was freaking tone-deaf and the obligatory 70s downer ending always irritates me at this point.

  • Sometimes it seemed like it was some sort of contractual obligation to have a downer ending in a Seventies flick. That was not a happy decade for films.

  • Eric Hinkle

    ‘Whiskey mountain was freaking tone-deaf’

    Isn’t that the way with just about all of those “hicksploitation” movies, though?

    And I can remember the age of “every ending must be awful”. I was a kid then. Sometimes I wonder if the depression I’ve dealt with my whole life long was inspired at all by them.

  • Ken_Begg

    Did I Solar System Jayne? Did I?

  • The Rev.

    The problem was that the vast majority of the movie was fairly whimsical (especially the soundtrack) and not seeming like it was going to get particularly nasty…and then it had a couple of scenes that WERE particularly nasty. The most egregious example: the movie’s ickiest scene coming out of nowhere…and IMMEDIATELY followed up by hillbillies goofing around on dirt bikes to “comedic” music. I know I wasn’t the only one to find it the worst film of the day.

  • In retrospect, it wasn’t a happy decade in general…..

  • Eric Hinkle

    Ugh. Yeah, that sounds awful.