Monster of the Day #3307

We finished up the day shift with Virgins from Hell, a pretty fun and predictably crazy Indonesian action flick about a wonderfully garish female biker gang fighting a jungle crimelord. The first and third acts are great, the middle section, which tries as hard as it can to be sleazy in a country that didn’t allow nudity in their films, could have lost ten minutes. It was no The Stabilizer, but was generally popular.

Then we had dinner and came back for the Quiz, which the Rev won quite handily. The evening shift then started with Neil Breen’s I Am Here….Now (yes, the terminal ellipsis is in the title), the one where he’s Outer Space Zombie Cyborg Jesus, here to frown at Mankind and pontificate on renewable energy and talk about how “this is not the way I wanted the experiment (i.e., Man) to turn out.” So he doesn’t really know what an “experiment” is. I’ll say this, NOBODY makes anything like a Neil Breen movie but the man himself.

  • The Rev.

    I don’t know about handily. If I hadn’t remembered who shot J.R. Ewing, you would’ve won and I would have been in a three-way tie for 2nd with Mary and Mason (congrats to them, by the way). But hey, any time I beat Ken, I’m pretty pleased.
    I’m not sure where I place this movie in Breen’s filmography. I still have two left, but so far Twisted Pair is easily my favorite. I feel like this and Double Down are about even, with the latter being the most competent of his movies I’ve seen, but this one having many more bizarre moments. Both did bore me in places, but both also had memorable touches. I feel like I’d have to rewatch them back to back to decide for certain.