Jabootu's Bad Movie Dimension

Monster of the Day #3406

The real horror? The bride is reacting that way because she’s racist against skellingtons.The latter was only invited because the bride’s sorority sisters insisted on it.

Monster of the Day #3405

Uhm…Terror. Raw, raw…Terror. But hey, there’s only so many of these without naked boobs. Have a great weekend, everyone! Watch something stupid.

Monster of the Day #3403

Uhm, something symbolic…woman terrified by kitchen implements…metaphor..patriarchy…male gaze… Subtext: I’M REALLY SMART LIke most Euro pulps, I can’t show a great deal of these covers. In fact, tomorrow’s is a little spicy,… Read Article →

Cons & Such

Here’s some stuff I’m aware of for later this year. Do you know any shows you’d like to add? Let me know. I don’t know if we could get one of these… Read Article →

Monster of the Day #3401

Neat!  I hope they brought the cough drops, because that skellington’s got a sour cough, I guess. Happy Friday, everyone! Watch something stupid this weekend. Watch Party tonight.

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