Monster of the Day #3405

Uhm…Terror. Raw, raw…Terror.

But hey, there’s only so many of these without naked boobs.

Have a great weekend, everyone! Watch something stupid.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    I suppose “L’il Abner” could be the next IP to get the “horror movie” treatment…

  • I mean, this is basically an ordinary day on the farm. She must be a city visitor.

    Foreground pig: “Dames, am I right?”

  • šŸ» bgbear_rnh

    What happened to the 1st Mrs. Ziffel.


    Anyway. OT stuff: My Shin Kamen Rider review.

    Basically, this is the same as Shin Ultraman, in which it feels more like TV episodes stitched together to form a movie. Itā€™s action packed, decently acted, but like Shin Ultraman could have used a little more space to breath. I also had a hard time following the action scenes towards the end.

    In conclusion, itā€™s a good way to spend an evening. For certain reasons Iā€™m not going to rush out to buy the DID like the other two, but that shouldnā€™t be taken as me not liking the movie. It has made me curious about the original show (some of which is on You Tube.)

  • Beckoning Chasm

    Not stupid but I guess kind of routine. I watched “Twins of Evil,” a Hammer 70’s vampire film suggested by LeFanu’s “Carmilla.” Probably best known for having the Collinson Twins as attractions, though they could have had the Collinson quartet if they’d been a bit more free with the nudity… Sorry. Anyway, Peter Cushing does his best but seems mostly bored, the cast do their best, there’s a funny bit early on when the twins’ aunt says they’re rather garishly dressed and she’s wearing the same dress….

    The most interesting thing is the opening credits music, which is remarkably similar to the opening of the “Justice League” animated series.

  • KeithB

    Aunty Entity’s first experiment with methane production did not go so well.

  • hypocratus

    The 1971 Kamen Rider is currently on Tubi. I watched the first episode and it is definitely interesting.

  • Rodford Smith

    Hey, hogs are dangerous. There is a good reason they don’t let little kids feed them.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    I watched “Jane Eyre” which is basically an Orson Welles film. It’s pretty good.

  • Eric Hinkle

    At first glance I read that as ‘feed little kids to them’, which is precisely what they’d try to avoid. And if I remember right, it has happened a few times.

  • Ken_Begg

    Thanks for the review, Cullen!

  • Ken_Begg

    You are 100% correct (I’ve been with crowds for Wizard of Oz where people are clearly confused why the characters all freak out when Dorothy falls into the hog pen and rolled my eyes), but the art doesn’t really sell that aspect.

  • Not a prob. Feels kinda slight, considering the site it’s on…