Jabootu's Bad Movie Dimension

Monster of the Day #3544

“DUDE! Yes, some women like hairless pits. BUT YOU’RE TAKING IT TOO FAR!” REAL MEN DON’T FISH. Norman Mailer’s next movie.

Monster of the Day #3542

Happy Independence Day, everyone! Serious question: Do kids today–I mean, say, people under 20–even know it’s Independence Day, or is it just July 4th to them? Do they understand why it’s a… Read Article →

Monster of the Day #3540

Well, that hadn’t been on my list of sexual fears, but now that it’s been raised, I guess? That particular one I may leave unmastered, though. Seems more trouble than it’s worth.

Monster of the Day #3539

As we can see from this, AIP’s posters were getting a lot more sophisticated. Several films that year that had monsters of sorts–The Terror, The Haunted Palace–forwent them on the poster art… Read Article →

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