Monster of the Day #3541

First, I found Waldo.

Second, never bring a knife to a crocodile fight.

Third…that chick is into it, man. She’s clearly one of those women who likes guys fighting over her.

In case I don’t show up tomorrow, Happy 4th of July, everyone!

  • 🐻 bgbear_rnh

    For the last time Waldo, a gator has no need for one of your "blond slaves" and I don't want any Cutco neither. Scram.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    Damn it, now Arrow is having a sale. Naturally I bought one of their blue-rays. A blue-ray as big as a battleship.

  • Now that croc has clearly, clearly, come to save his girlfriend from the white slaver. Just look at the way they're staring at each other.

  • GreenLuthor

    The scaled killer of the Choco Swamp? Is it the dreaded Chocodile?

  • 🐻 bgbear_rnh


  • Eric Hinkle

    Whenever I see one of these old men's adventure magazines, I have to ask: were they sold under the counter?

  • Ken_Begg

    I'm still largely immune to Arrow sales, by which I mean, I've bought so much stuff of theirs in the past that they have yet to generate enough new stuff to get me interested.

    Of course, that was true for Vinegar Syndrome too for a few years, but then when they had their sale this spring I bought $400 worth of wares. So it's really just a matter of time.

    And I'll probably grab that slipcovered Reptilicus set, because… Look, do I really have to explain it?

  • Ken_Begg

    Probably depends on the time and the locale. I remember in the late '60s our local town's magazine shop didn't keep those horribly violent and garish Eerie Publication mags behind the counter. However, they were held by clamps up over the clerk's head, so that they were visible but inaccessible to customers. But in the '50s? Even then, I expect the rules were different in New York or Los Angeles than in, say, Cleveland or Jackson MO.

  • Eric Hinkle

    I can recall how in the late 70's the really grisly B&W horror mags were usually behind a row of other magazines in the local 7-11s and drug stores, which is where I got my magazines. Not that it stopped me from finding them.