Jabootu's Bad Movie Dimension

Monster of the Day #780

Not the most suspenseful week, true. Still, even if I never really ate the cereal, I’ll take this guy over, say, the Monster from Van Helsing anyday.


Just got confirmation of the dates for B-Fest 2014, and as expected, it’s the last Friday / Saturday combo of January, i.e. the 24th-25th. Anyway wishing rough accomodations, local travel arrangements, general… Read Article →

Monster of the Day #778

Here’s Sandy’s favorite, apparently. I don’t know if I’ve ever tried this, actually. I do like orange dreamsicle-flavored stuff, though. Indeed, I’m very excited because Friday my local Culver’ s is offering… Read Article →

TCM in October…

Correspondent Michael C. saved me a LOT Of time (assuming I’d have thought of it, now that I don’t have TV anymore) and assembled a list of TCM’s offerings for the Halloween… Read Article →

Monster of the Day #775

Reader’s MoD Week, the Rev. Edition. He testifies: “Sadly, these kind of faded images are probably the best look we’ll ever get at this particular kaiju. I know that sometimes a lost… Read Article →

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