Jabootu's Bad Movie Dimension

Monster of the Day #968

I saw Guardians of the Galaxy–which is a fantastic, joyful film–over the weekend. While I long ago featured Groot’s first comic book appearance as a beastie in one of Jack Kirby’s monster… Read Article →

Delayed MotD…

For some reason I’m having Imgur issues. As soon as the photo editor there starts working again, today’s post will go up. UPDATE: Still have problems. I don’t think it’s me, it’s… Read Article →


I know I should be watching my shekels, and I generally am. Still, I had to get a ticket to see the Capaldi Doctor Who premiere in a theater. Matt Smith definitely… Read Article →

Monster of the Day #966

Here’s another Voyage blobby monster. I’m out of black and white monsters for the show; the first season only occasionally featured monsters, a situation reversed during the later seasons. Also, I used… Read Article →

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