
I know I should be watching my shekels, and I generally am. Still, I had to get a ticket to see the Capaldi Doctor Who premiere in a theater. Matt Smith definitely grew on me, but an older, seemingly more sinister Doctor (plus Capaldi insisted on a “no snogging” rule) is right up my alley. Very excited.

  • Rock Baker

    Snogging? Not sure I’m familiar with that particular bit of British slang.

  • It means kissing. Capaldi doesn’t want the same type of action the other three Doctors have been getting.

  • Ken_Begg

    Yes, thank goodness. Hopefully that dynamic is permanently left behind us now.

  • Rock Baker

    It means kissing??? It sounds rather more horrible than that! Like blowing your nose while chewing tobacco or something!

  • Flangepart

    Or a Scottish monster.’Beware of the Snog!”
    “Aye, It’s got long arms…Fangs like- look at the booones!”

  • GalaxyJane

    I can’t wait to have a grown-up Doctor again! Probably going to skip the theater, but I did pre-order the full season on Amazon streaming, so I can get up and watch them on Sunday mornings right after they show on BBC America.

  • Ken_Begg

    I think it refers more to slobbering, making out-sort of kissing, although that impression may be incorrect.

  • Flangepart

    Hummm…am I the only one to wonder if each version of the Doctor gets his appearance and personality change from the DNA of past relatives?
    That would mean, like, #11 was a call back to an uncle, and maybe #9 was once a dad somewhere along the line.
    Make as much as any other technobabble…

  • Chris Metzinger

    Ha! I always thought that too. Like, some kinda nose related niche porn.