Jabootu's Bad Movie Dimension

Monster of the Day #3466

Following a sumptuous breakfast break at Walker Bros., a place that really knows what they’re about (I was especially tickled by several families having brought their kiddies in their PJs. Is that… Read Article →

Monster of the Day #3464

So I was feeling my oats this time around and counterpunched Joe Bannerman’s choice of Boardinghouse with 1961’s Dondi. It’s a horrible schmaltzy comedy / drama adaptation of the comic strip about… Read Article →

Monster of the Day #3462

No “joke” today, just a great cover. Pick up the first Basement Fest attendee from the airport tonight. 10 days of craziness and activity. That’s a lot for me.

Monster of the Day #3459

Well, I’m not sure strangling is the biggest concern.  Personally, the “man-eating” thing would come a bit higher on my list. Happy Friday, everyone. Watch something stupid this weekend. In fact, come… Read Article →

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